Table of Contents

Prometheus: major changes in v3.26

  • so-called default go_* counters and gauges (go_gc. go_metstats. etc.) are completely gone;
  • metrics are now updated directly in real time
    • previously: periodically via prometheus.Collect interface
    • see related note in stats/prom.go
  • we are no longer publishing internally computed latencies and throughputs;
  • use * (nanoseconds) and *.size (bytes) metrics to compute latency and throughput, respectively;
  • in addition to total aggregated numbers there are now separately computed per-backend latency and throughput numbers;
    • those with aws. prefix, for instance.

Variable metrics

  • all I/O metrics will now carry the bucket name (or Cname, to be precise) as a Prometheus variable label;
  • all in-cluster writing generated by xactions (jobs) will now also have this xaction labels as well: the respective kind and ID;
    • one major side-effect of the above is that we will now see more PUT metrics, and not only those that result from user PUT requests;
  • all GET, PUT, and DELETE errors will also have the bucket label;
  • all FSHC related errors (the so called IO errors) will carry mountpath (ie., faulty disk) label.

Common metrics: ais targets and gateways

Internal name Public name Internal Type Description (Prometheus help) Prometheus labels
get.n get_count counter total number of executed GET(object) requests default
put.n put_count counter total number of executed PUT(object) requests default
head.n head_count counter total number of executed HEAD(object) requests default
append.n append_count counter total number of executed APPEND(object) requests default
del.n del_count counter total number of executed DELETE(object) requests default
ren.n ren_count counter total number of executed rename(object) requests default
lst.n lst_count counter total number of executed list-objects requests default
err.get.n err_get_count counter total number of GET(object) errors default
err.put.n err_put_count counter total number of PUT(object) errors default
err.head.n err_head_count counter total number of HEAD(object) errors default
err.append.n err_append_count counter total number of APPEND(object) errors default
err.del.n err_del_count counter total number of DELETE(object) errors default err_ren_count counter total number of rename(object) errors default
err.lst.n err_lst_count counter total number of list-objects errors default
err.http.write.n err_http_write_count counter total number of HTTP write-response errors default
err.dl.n err_dl_count counter downloader: number of download errors default
err.put.mirror.n err_put_mirror_count counter number of n-way mirroring errors default
get.ns get_ms latency GET: average time (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default get_ns_total total GET: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) default
lst.ns lst_ms latency list-objects: average time (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
kalive.ns kalive_ms latency in-cluster keep-alive (heartbeat): average time (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
up.ns.time uptime special this node’s uptime since its startup (seconds) default
state.flags state_flags gauge bitwise 64-bit value that carries enumerated node-state flags, including warnings and alerts; see  

Target metrics

Internal name Public name Internal Type Description (Prometheus help) Prometheus labels
disk.<DISK-NAME>.read.bps disk_read_mbps computed-bandwidth read bandwidth (MB/s) map[disk:<DISK-NAME> node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
disk.<DISK-NAME>.avg.rsize disk_avg_rsize gauge average read size (bytes) map[disk:<DISK-NAME> node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
disk.<DISK-NAME>.write.bps disk_write_mbps computed-bandwidth write bandwidth (MB/s) map[disk:<DISK-NAME> node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
disk.<DISK-NAME>.avg.wsize disk_avg_wsize gauge average write size (bytes) map[disk:<DISK-NAME> node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
disk.<DISK-NAME>.util disk_util gauge disk utilization (%%) map[disk:<DISK-NAME> node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
lru.evict.n lru_evict_count counter number of LRU evictions default
lru.evict.size lru_evict_bytes size total cumulative size (bytes) of LRU evictions default cleanup_store_count counter space cleanup: number of removed misplaced objects and old work files default cleanup_store_bytes size space cleanup: total size (bytes) of all removed misplaced objects and old work files (not including removed deleted objects) default
ver.change.n ver_change_count counter number of out-of-band updates (by a 3rd party performing remote PUTs from outside this cluster) default
ver.change.size ver_change_bytes size total cumulative size (bytes) of objects that were updated out-of-band across all backends combined defaul t
remote.deleted.del.n remote_deleted_del_count counter number of out-of-band deletes (by a 3rd party remote DELETE(object) from outside this cluster) default
put.ns put_ms latency PUT: average time (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default put_ns_total total PUT: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) default
append.ns append_ms latency APPEND(object): average time (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
get.redir.ns get_redir_ms latency GET: average gateway-to-target HTTP redirect latency (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
put.redir.ns put_redir_ms latency PUT: average gateway-to-target HTTP redirect latency (milliseconds) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
get.bps get_mbps bandwidth GET: average throughput (MB/s) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
put.bps put_mbps bandwidth PUT: average throughput (MB/s) over the last periodic.stats_time interval default
get.size get_bytes size GET: total cumulative size (bytes) default
put.size put_bytes size PUT: total cumulative size (bytes) default
err.cksum.n err_cksum_count counter PUT: number of checksum errors default
err.fshc.n err_fshc_count counter number of times filesystem health checker (FSHC) was triggered by an I/O error or errors default err_io_get_count counter GET: number of I/O errors not including remote backend and network errors default err_io_put_count counter PUT: number of I/O errors not including remote backend and network errors default err_io_del_count counter DELETE(object): number of I/O errors not including remote backend and network errors default
stream.out.n stream_out_count counter intra-cluster streaming communications: number of sent objects default
stream.out.size stream_out_bytes size intra-cluster streaming communications: total cumulative size (bytes) of all transmitted objects default stream_in_count counter intra-cluster streaming communications: number of received objects default stream_in_bytes size intra-cluster streaming communications: total cumulative size (bytes) of all received objects default
dl.size dl_bytes size total downloaded size (bytes) default dl_ns_total total total downloading time (nanoseconds) default
dsort.creation.req.n dsort_creation_req_count counter dsort: see default
dsort.creation.resp.n dsort_creation_resp_count counter dsort: see default
dsort.creation.resp.ns dsort_creation_resp_ms latency dsort: see default
dsort.extract.shard.dsk.n dsort_extract_shard_dsk_count counter dsort: see default
dsort.extract.shard.mem.n dsort_extract_shard_mem_count counter dsort: see default
dsort.extract.shard.size dsort_extract_shard_bytes size dsort: see default
lcache.collision.n lcache_collision_count counter number of LOM cache collisions (core, internal) default
lcache.evicted.n lcache_evicted_count counter number of LOM cache evictions (core, internal) default
lcache.flush.cold.n lcache_flush_cold_count counter number of times a LOM from cache was written to stable storage (core, internal) default
remais.get.n remote_get_count counter GET: total number of executed remote requests (cold GETs) map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_get_ns_total total GET: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute cold GETs and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_get_ns_total total GET: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving request, executing cold-GET, storing new object version in-cluster, and transmitting response map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
remais.get.size remote_get_bytes_total size GET: total cumulative size (bytes) of all cold-GET transactions map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
remais.head.n remote_head_count counter HEAD: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
remais.put.n remote_put_count counter PUT: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_put_ns_total total PUT: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute remote requests and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_put_ns_total total PUT: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving PUT payload, storing it in-cluster, executing remote PUT, finalizing new in-cluster object map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
remais.put.size remote_e2e_put_bytes_total size PUT: total cumulative size (bytes) of all PUTs to a given remote backend map[backend:remais node_id:ClCt8081]
remais.ver.change.n remote_ver_change_count counter number of out-of-band updates (by a 3rd party performing remote PUTs outside this cluster) map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
remais.ver.change.size remote_ver_change_bytes_total size total cumulative size of objects that were updated out-of-band map[backend:remais node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.get.n remote_get_count counter GET: total number of executed remote requests (cold GETs) map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_get_ns_total total GET: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute cold GETs and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_get_ns_total total GET: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving request, executing cold-GET, storing new object version in-cluster, and transmitting response map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.get.size remote_get_bytes_total size GET: total cumulative size (bytes) of all cold-GET transactions map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.head.n remote_head_count counter HEAD: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.put.n remote_put_count counter PUT: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_put_ns_total total PUT: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute remote requests and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_put_ns_total total PUT: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving PUT payload, storing it in-cluster, executing remote PUT, finalizing new in-cluster object map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.put.size remote_e2e_put_bytes_total size PUT: total cumulative size (bytes) of all PUTs to a given remote backend map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.ver.change.n remote_ver_change_count counter number of out-of-band updates (by a 3rd party performing remote PUTs outside this cluster) map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
gcp.ver.change.size remote_ver_change_bytes_total size total cumulative size of objects that were updated out-of-band map[backend:gcp node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.get.n remote_get_count counter GET: total number of executed remote requests (cold GETs) map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_get_ns_total total GET: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute cold GETs and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_get_ns_total total GET: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving request , executing cold-GET, storing new object version in-cluster, and transmitting response map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.get.size remote_get_bytes_total size GET: total cumulative size (bytes) of all cold-GET transactions map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.head.n remote_head_count counter HEAD: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.put.n remote_put_count counter PUT: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_put_ns_total total PUT: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute remote requests and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_put_ns_total total PUT: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving PUT payload, storing it in-cluster, executing remote PUT, finalizing new in-cluster object map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.put.size remote_e2e_put_bytes_total size PUT: total cumulative size (bytes) of all PUTs to a given remote backend map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.ver.change.n remote_ver_change_count counter number of out-of-band updates (by a 3rd party performing remote PUTs outside this cluster) map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
aws.ver.change.size remote_ver_change_bytes_total size total cumulative size of objects that were updated out-of-band map[backend:aws node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.get.n remote_get_count counter GET: total number of executed remote requests (cold GETs) map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_get_ns_total total GET: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute cold GETs and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_get_ns_total total GET: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving request, executing cold-GET, storing new object version in-cluster, and transmitting response map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.get.size remote_get_bytes_total size GET: total cumulative size (bytes) of all cold-GET transactions map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.head.n remote_head_count counter HEAD: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.put.n remote_put_count counter PUT: total number of executed remote requests to a given backend map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_put_ns_total total PUT: total cumulative time (nanoseconds) to execute remote requests and store new object versions in-cluster map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>] remote_e2e_put_ns_total total PUT: total end-to-end time (nanoseconds) servicing remote requests; includes: receiving PUT payload, storing it in-cluster, executing remote PUT, finalizing new in-cluster object map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.put.size remote_e2e_put_bytes_total size PUT: total cumulative size (bytes) of all PUTs to a given remote backend map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.ver.change.n remote_ver_change_count counter number of out-of-band updates (by a 3rd party performing remote PUTs outside this cluster) map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]
azure.ver.change.size remote_ver_change_bytes_total size total cumulative size of objects that were updated out-of-band map[backend:azure node_id:<AIS-NODE-ID>]