Why Downloader?

It probably won’t be much of an exaggeration to say that the majority of popular AI datasets are available on the Internet and public remote buckets. Those datasets are often growing in size, thus continuously providing a wealth of information to research and analyze.

It is, therefore, appropriate to ask a follow-up question: how to efficiently work with those datasets? And what happens if the dataset in question is larger than the capacity of a single host? What happens if it is large enough to require a cluster of storage servers?

The often cited paper called Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era lists a good number of those large and very popular datasets, as well as the reasons to utilize them for training.

Meet Internet Downloader - an integrated part of the AIStore. AIS cluster can be easily deployed on any commodity hardware, and AIS downloader can then be used to quickly populate AIS buckets with any contents from a given location.


AIStore supports a number of 3rd party Backend providers.

To access remote data (and store it in-cluster), AIStore utilizes the respective provider’s SDK.

For Amazon S3, that would be aws-sdk-go-v2, for Azure - azure-storage-blob-go, and so on. Each SDK can be conditionally linked into AIS executable - the decision (to link or not to link) is made prior to deployment.

This has a certain implication for the Downloader. Namely:

Downloadable source can be both an Internet link (or links) or a remote bucket accessible via the corresponding backend implementation. You can, for instance, download a Google Cloud bucket via its Internet location that would look something like: https://www.googleapis.com/storage/.../bucket-name/....

However. When downloading a remote bucket (any remote bucket), it is always preferable to have the corresponding SDK linked-in. Downloader will then detect the SDK “presence” at runtime and use a wider range of options available via this SDK.

Other supported features include:

  • Can download a single file (object), a range, an entire bucket, and a virtual directory in a given remote bucket.
  • Easy to use with command line interface.
  • Versioning and checksum support allows for an optimal download of the same source location multiple times to incrementally update AIS destination with source changes (if any).

The rest of this document describes these and other capabilities in greater detail and illustrates them with examples.


Downloading jobs run asynchronously; you can monitor the progress of each specific job. The following example runs two jobs, each downloading 10 objects (gzipped tarballs in this case) from a given Google Cloud bucket:

$ ais start download "gs://lpr-imagenet/train-{0001..0010}.tgz" ais://imagenet
Run `ais show job download 5JjIuGemR` to monitor the progress of downloading.
$ ais start download "gs://lpr-imagenet/train-{0011..0020}.tgz" ais://imagenet
Run `ais show job download H9OjbW5FH` to monitor the progress of downloading.
$ ais show job download
5JjIuGemR        Finished        0       https://storage.googleapis.com/lpr-imagenet/imagenet_train-{0001..0010}.tgz -> ais://imagenet
H9OjbW5FH        Finished        0       https://storage.googleapis.com/lpr-imagenet/imagenet_train-{0011..0020}.tgz -> ais://imagenet

For more examples see: Downloader CLI

Request to download

AIS Downloader supports 4 (four) request types:

  • Single - download a single object.
  • Multi - download multiple objects provided by JSON map (string -> string) or list of strings.
  • Range - download multiple objects based on a given naming pattern.
  • Backend - given optional prefix and optional suffix, download matching objects from the specified remote bucket.

Prior to downloading, make sure destination bucket already exists. To create a bucket using AIS CLI, run ais create, for instance:

$ ais create imagenet

Also, see AIS API for details on how to create, destroy, and list storage buckets. For Python-based clients, a better starting point could be here.

The rest of this document is structured around supported types of downloading jobs and can serve as an API reference for the Downloader.

Table of Contents

Single Download

The request (described below) downloads a single object and is considered the most basic. This request returns id on successful request which can then be used to check the status or abort the download job.

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
bucket.name string Bucket where the downloaded object is saved to. No
bucket.provider string Determines the provider of the bucket. By default, locality is determined automatically. Yes
bucket.namespace string Determines the namespace of the bucket. Yes
description string Description for the download request. Yes
timeout string Timeout for request to external resource. Yes
limits.connections int Number of concurrent connections each target can make. Yes
limits.bytes_per_hour int Number of bytes the cluster can download in one hour. Yes
link string URL of where the object is downloaded from. No
object_name string Name of the object the download is saved as. If no objname is provided, the name will be the last element in the URL’s path. Yes

Sample Request

Single object download

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "single",
  "bucket": {"name": "ubuntu"},
  "object_name": "ubuntu.iso",
  "link": "http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.1/ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'


localhost:8080 (above and elsewhere in this document) can be replaced with any legitimate (http or https) address of any AIS gateway.

Multi Download

A multi object download requires either a map or a list in JSON body:

  • Map - in map, each entry should contain custom_object_name (key) -> external_link (value). This format allows object names to not depend on automatic naming as it is done in list format.
  • List - in list, each entry should contain external_link to resource. Objects names are created from the base of the link.

This request returns id on successful request which can then be used to check the status or abort the download job.

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
bucket.name string Bucket where the downloaded object is saved to. No
bucket.provider string Determines the provider of the bucket. By default, locality is determined automatically. Yes
bucket.namespace string Determines the namespace of the bucket. Yes
description string Description for the download request. Yes
timeout string Timeout for request to external resource. Yes
limits.connections int Number of concurrent connections each target can make. Yes
limits.bytes_per_hour int Number of bytes the cluster can download in one hour. Yes
objects array or map The payload with the objects to download. No

Sample Request

Multi Download using object map

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "multi",
  "bucket": {"name": "ubuntu"},
  "objects": {
    "train-labels.gz": "http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",
    "t10k-labels-idx1.gz": "http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",
    "train-images.gz": "http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Multi Download using object list

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "multi",
  "bucket": {"name": "ubuntu"},
  "objects": [
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Range Download

A range download retrieves (in one shot) multiple objects while expecting (and relying upon) a certain naming convention which happens to be often used. This request returns id on successful request which can then be used to check the status or abort the download job.

Namely, the range download expects the object name to consist of prefix + index + suffix, as described below:

Range Format

Consider a website named randomwebsite.com/some_dir/ that contains the following files:

  • object1log.txt
  • object2log.txt
  • object3log.txt
  • ...
  • object1000log.txt

To populate AIStore with objects in the range from object200log.txt to object300log.txt (101 objects total), use the range download.

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
bucket.name string Bucket where the downloaded object is saved to. No
bucket.provider string Determines the provider of the bucket. By default, locality is determined automatically. Yes
bucket.namespace string Determines the namespace of the bucket. Yes
description string Description for the download request. Yes
timeout string Timeout for request to external resource. Yes
limits.connections int Number of concurrent connections each target can make. Yes
limits.bytes_per_hour int Number of bytes the cluster can download in one hour. Yes
subdir string Subdirectory in the bucket where the downloaded objects are saved to. Yes
template string Bash template describing names of the objects in the URL. No

Sample Request

Download a (range) list of objects

$ curl -Lig -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "range",
  "bucket": {"name": "test"},
  "template": "randomwebsite.com/some_dir/object{200..300}log.txt"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Download a (range) list of objects into a subdirectory inside a bucket

$ curl -Lig -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "range",
  "bucket": {"name": "test"},
  "template": "randomwebsite.com/some_dir/object{200..300}log.txt",
  "subdir": "some/subdir/"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Download a (range) list of objects, selecting every tenth object

$ curl -Lig -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "range",
  "bucket": {"name": "test"},
  "template": "randomwebsite.com/some_dir/object{1..1000..10}log.txt"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Tip: use -g option in curl to turn off URL globbing parser - it will allow to use { and } without escaping them.

Backend download

A backend download prefetches multiple objects which names match provided prefix and suffix and are contained in a given remote bucket.

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
bucket.name string Bucket where the downloaded object is saved to. No
bucket.provider string Determines the provider of the bucket. Yes
bucket.namespace string Determines the namespace of the bucket. Yes
description string Description for the download request. Yes
sync bool Synchronizes the remote bucket: downloads new or updated objects (regular download) + checks and deletes cached objects if they are no longer present in the remote bucket. Yes
prefix string Prefix of the objects names to download. Yes
suffix string Suffix of the objects names to download. Yes

Sample Request

Download objects from a remote bucket

$ curl -Liv -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "backend",
  "bucket": {"name": "lpr-vision", "provider": "gcp"},
  "prefix": "imagenet/imagenet_train-",
  "suffix": ".tgz"
}' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'


Any download request can be aborted at any time by making a DELETE request to /v1/download/abort with provided id (which is returned upon job creation).

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
id string Unique identifier of download job returned upon job creation. No

Sample Request

Abort download

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id": "5JjIuGemR"}' -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download/abort'


The status of any download request can be queried at any time using GET request with provided id (which is returned upon job creation).

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
id string Unique identifier of download job returned upon job creation. No

Sample Request

Get download status

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id": "5JjIuGemR"}' -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

List of Downloads

The list of all download requests can be queried at any time. Note that this has the same syntax as Status except the id parameter is empty.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
regex string Regex for the description of download requests. Yes

Sample Requests

Get list of all downloads

$ curl -Li -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Get list of downloads with description starting with a digit

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"regex": "^[0-9]"}' -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download'

Remove from List

Any aborted or finished download request can be removed from the list of downloads by making a DELETE request to /v1/download/remove with provided id (which is returned upon job creation).

Request JSON Parameters

Name Type Description Optional?
id string Unique identifier of download job returned upon job creation. No

Sample Request

Remove download job from the list

$ curl -Li -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id": "5JjIuGemR"}' -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/v1/download/remove'